August 2020 - Laffey with Lakey talks about public schools, Harris as VP pick, and more

Steve Laffey on with the great host Jimmy Lakey...reallaffeylakey8:26:2020

Laffey tells of his experience with Education and why the public Schools can't be fixed...they must be closed....and then the commercials, if they were run...would propel the Pres. to must listen...

American Pie and the 4 Executive Orders...laffeylakey8122020

After some funny stories and Jimmy Asking about Senator Harris as a VP pick....Laffey gets to the real problem at around 8:00 into this segment...the 4 executive orders of the Pres...are left-wing Democratic proposals...listen and learn and if you are benefiting, you are helping to destroy America

Steve Laffey

Steve Laffey is an American politician, businessman, author and filmmaker.  


October 2020 - Laffey with Lakey talk about corruption, the future of our children, and more


July 2020 - Laffey says, “Stop the Fed!”, school of choice, corruption, and more