Stop them Now!

Trade deficits with China has reached epic proportion. The deficit exceeds $300 billion a year, and translates to a massive loss of jobs, reduced wages, and impending danger to all Americans.

The Chinese Jenga Game

Laffey loves the game of Jenga. He just wonders whose house of sticks falls first. Especially when China makes the game.

North Korea - China’s Puppy

Now the U.N. puts out a report on something they are supposed to work on - mass killings, torture, and infanticide by the barbaric totalitarian regime that grips North Korea. They interview lots of people who escaped and the video tape and documents will make you cry out of frustration. The report even states that those responsible should be held responsible and brought to the Hague for justice.

But they won’t. You see their protector, Communist China, holds a seat on the Permanent Security Council along with France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. China will protect North Korea, and the 100s of thousands more will be tortured and remain in gulags; their families of the “guilty” will be killed for three generations, and mothers will be forced to drown their babies.

All because Communist China remains on the Permanent Security Council where all five votes are needed for action on North Korea. Think of that when you buy a product made in China. Think of that when you manufacture your products in China. Think of that until you change your mind to take action. We give communist China a 40% discount and they help to enslave their own people and cause mass murder in North Korea unlike anything the world has seen since Pol Pot. Think of that and weep. I know I do.

Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

Laffey has just discovered the report on China’s new hypersonic glide missile. These ARE the droids he’s looking for.

Steve Laffey on Communist China

Try To Buy American

Hard to buy Made in America? Or at least “Not made in China!” Many times it is. But we can all try. Steve Laffey will show you how he does it… and sometimes fails or gets fooled! Why do so many Americans not put enough effort into helping keep jobs in America? It is not that they don’t want to… we just need to raise the awareness of the problem. There is a great disconnect between what we buy and the importance of where it comes from and much of that problem starts in the marketing and sales efforts of Big Business, but we as people can act in a united way to have our voices heard!

Chinese Aggression: First The Air - Now The Sea

Headline: “Communist China sees weakness and moves to grab more of the sea lanes in the South China Sea!

When we last left Communist China, they startled the free world with a new ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) that went into area properly belonging to Japan and South Korea. Japan showed strength and announced it would not acknowledge Communist China’s new show of aggression. They expected the same from America, but when President Obama ordered commercial flights to contact the Chinese government before flying into the area, China saw our weakness. They waited a few weeks and announced rules that require foreign fishing ships to get permission from China before entering the South China Sea.

First, the air and now the sea as China tests the free world’s resolve. It will get worse if we unite with our allies and show strength on this issue. America, the world’s superpower, is missing a foreign policy, making the world more dangerous.

Buy American… Or Else

Steve Laffey and his family are looking for some furniture and Laffey explains how we can do our part by not buying from Communist China. We all can help, but we have to try and try everyday… at least by asking where our potential purchases come from and when they come from China… try to walk away!