Let the people decide
Hey Teacher - Leave Our Kid’s Alone!
Common Core:FAIL!
Washington’s continued stranglehold on local education has disadvantaged our kids globally. Our comparative test scores continue to slip. Parent’s and teachers are further removed from solutions…
Common Core Problem
What’s the problem with Federal intrusion on our kid’s education? Why do bureaucrats think they know how to do it better than we do? Interested in localizing complete control of public education dollars?
Department of Education Fails To Educate…Again!
The latest test scores are in, and the US does it again - drops down the list. Can’t states do better? Without the “helping hand” of Washington? Laffet knows.
They didn’t stop with the Department of Education. When test scores went down, the elites in Washington, D.C., came up with more federal regulations. When that led to lower scores, they (Republicans and Democrats in Washington—George Bush and Ted Kennedy) came up with No Child Left Behind. That was a disaster. Our kids learned less, and some teachers cheated, so they came up with the Race to the Top. That has been a disaster. In fact it has been so sad to watch states and communities act like beggars as they tried to please the Washington Bureaucrats. Giving up freedom for money, now that is disappointing. Now, you would think they would give up and let the states and local communities go back to educating kids without Federal Interference … but no, no, they want more control. So here comes Common Core. Another disaster, this time with corporations making plenty of money off the backs of low test scores. It is time to rise up against Federal Involvement in our kids ’ education. And across the country, mothers and fathers are doing just that! Instead of another Orwellian phrase, why don’t we just start up our nomenclature - “leave our kids alone!”
Federal Control of Education Must End
Well, the new test scores for our public school systems came out… and well, we failed again. The international achievement exams showed the USA going from 25th to 31st in math, from 20th to 24th in science, and from 11th to 21st in reading.
Ireland is doing better, and so is Estonia.
The reaction from the people in charge was predictable, with the union head for the NEA saying that high-scoring countries teach their teachers better (what…huh?) and the head of Education under President Obama saying it was the “picture of educational stagnation” and at “odds with our aspiration to have the best-educated, most competitive workforce in the world.” Yes, Mr. Secretary, it is, and you have failed… and NO Child Left Behind has failed, and you should resign. But he won’t and no one will fire him.
Just another reminder that we must get more kids out of the public school system as long as the Federal Government keeps destroying the future of our most precious asset… our children.